自由锻。指用简单的通用性工具,或在锻造设备的上、下砧铁之间直接对坯料施加外力,使坯料产生变形而获得所需的几何形状及内部质量的锻件的加工方法。 采用自由锻方法生产的锻件称为 自由锻件。
Free forging. It refers to the processing method of forgings directly using the external force between the upper and the lower anvil of forging equipment, so as to get the required geometry and internal quality by applying external force directly to the billet. Forgings produced by free forging are called free forgings.
If the temperature and degree of deformation and improper selection of coarse grains, the grain refinement phase change heat treatment, but for the steel phase transition does not occur in the heat treatment, such as austenitic steel, it must be in the forging process have fine and uniform grains, so this kind of material in the forging must pay more attention to.
Free forging is by manual operation to the shape and size of the forgings, so the precision of the forgings is low, the processing allowance is large, the labor intensity is big, and the productivity is not high. Therefore, it is mainly used in single piece and small batch production.
Manual free forging is inefficient and labor intensive. It is only used for the production of repair or simple, small and small forgings.Free forging cists of manual free forging and machine free forging.
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