全国服务热线 13904127277


发布时间: 2020-07-09 09:58 更新时间: 2020-07-09 09:58


According to the distribution of furnace temperature, the furnace is divided into preheating section, heating section and uniform heating section along the length direction.

The lower temperature of the feed end is the preheating section, and its function is to increase the heat efficiency of the furnace by utilizing the heat of the furnace gas.

The heating section is the main heating section, and the furnace gas temperature is relatively high, which is conducive to rapid heating.


When the furnace is shut down, the outer closed valve must be stopped. The hand valve must be closed. If the heating medium is discontinued, it should be saved, and the furnace is connected with steam. Furnace personnel and superheated steam pressure gauge; conditioning air valve and flue baffle; urgent emptying equipment; explosion-proof door; furnace and elbow box to save steam line.


When burning, the stoker can not face the fire mouth and look at the fire windows, so as to avoid backfire and injure people. If the flame is subsided, the fuel valve should be closed immediately, and the furnace needs to be cleaned by steam before it can be re burned. When entering the furnace maintenance, the operation procedures for entering the equipment should be  of. The explosion-proof door should not be blocked by other objects, so as to avoid the explosion proof effect. Attention should be paid to the removal of water and condensate when gas diversion, and more than 15 minutes at a safe address, after analysis of laboratory oxygen content less than 1%, can be put into incineration. Gas must be passed through the flame arrester before entering the furnace.


  • 地址:辽宁省鞍山市高新区越岭路256号(研发中心A座2号楼510室至511室)
  • 邮编:114011
  • 电话:(0412)
  • 销售:王秋
  • 手机:13904127277
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  • QQ:1562307997
  • Email:631188434@qq.com