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圣霖国际【开拓创新】 圣霖国际工字钢报价 圣霖国际工字钢

更新时间:2020-07-10 16:18:51
联系手机: 13904127277


The width of the thin plate is 500~1500 mm, and the thickness is 600~3000 mm. The sheet is divided by steel, including ordinary steel, high quality steel,圣霖国际工字钢报价, alloy steel, spring steel, stainless steel, tool steel, heat resistant steel,圣霖国际工字钢生产厂, bearing steel, silicon steel and industrial pure iron sheet.

工字钢:工字钢钢质型材的一种,也称钢梁,是截面为工字形的长条钢材--由此得名“工字钢”。 工字钢 规格及型号 其规格以腰高的毫数表示,如“工160×88×6”,即表示腰高为160毫米,圣霖国际工字钢,腿宽为88毫米,腰厚为6毫米的工字钢。 标称规格 工字钢的规格也可用型号表示,型号表示腰高的厘米数,如工16#。

I-steel: a steel bar of I-steel, also known as steel beam, is a long steel section of the cross section, which is called "i-i-steel". The specificati and types of I-steel are represented by the number of waist height, such as "160 x 88 x 6", that is,圣霖国际工字钢生产商, I-bar with waist height of 160 mm, leg width of 88 mm and waist thickness of 6 mm. The specificati of the nominal size of the I-steel can also be expressed by the model, and the size of the height of the waist is centimetre, such as the 16#.


The raw billet of the channel steel is a carbon steel or low alloy steel billet containing less than 0.25% carbon content. The finished channel steel is delivered by hot forming, normalizing or hot rolling. Its specificati are represented by the millimeter number of waist height (H) * leg width (b) * waist thickness (d), such as 150*78*9.



  • 地址:辽宁省鞍山市高新区越岭路256号(研发中心A座2号楼510室至511室)
  • 邮编:114011
  • 电话:(0412)
  • 销售:王秋
  • 手机:13904127277
  • 传真:86-412-8259388
  • QQ:1562307997
  • Email:631188434@qq.com